We all know a horse gals dream, riding into the sunset with her trusted horse, hair blowing in the wind. Her desire for a relationship, a friendship with her beloved equine; much like the horse movies she watched as a little girl. But for a country gal like me there was always another addition to this dream…a stable, with a stall just for my horse. Mucking stalls, the smell of horses & hay, and a barn that I can call my own. This has been part of my horse dream forever. The other parts are already fulfilled even better than I could have imagined! I have eight amazing horses and a pony I get to care for. I get to teach kids to ride and spread my love of horses through my writing on this blog, my social media, and with friends I have over to ride with me. Plus a wonderful dog named Zeus! Farm land and trails to ride on for miles. I couldn’t want more! Yet I am human, so I do… or did.
A stable, a barn, I place for my horses to call home. Not some field or fenced in grass patch. A wooden structure, with stalls, a feed room, Dutch doors for my horses to peak their heads out of! This was the missing part of my dream, the part I didn’t think would happen. But it is! That’s right, its real I tell myself, I am getting a horse barn. It’s being constructed on the property as you read this!
I must apologize for not posting about this sooner- after all construction is well under way. But its my dream, and I wanted to make absolutely sure that it was coming true before I got you all excited about it too! *Plus who wants to see a patch of dirt or concrete, this way you get to see actual structure!*

The building of this horse barn has been one wild ride! My Father and I were the designers for this project. It was so neat to be able to cater the barn to our needs and put the space where we knew we needed it. Which is why the barn only has five official stalls. Despite the fact that I have nine equines, I know that each horse is different. The ages of my horses span from about two years old to 23 years old! Furthermore each horse has a different work load. And as the property has plenty of grass and fields, I still plan on giving my horses lots of turnout, even still keeping some on full time pasture. Yet I also knew my senior horses were in need of a stall to stay warm this winter, and that as I begin to teach more horse lessons, walking all the way out to the pasture to get my lesson horse is not always efficient.
I want to have stalls for my horses, but I also want to use the space I have been given to serve the purpose I need…..So my tack room is gonna be awesome! Currently; my nine saddles, blankets, feed bins, and everything else is being stored in a 12 foot by 12 foot “little house” that actually belongs to my sister…. who really wants it back! Thus, I designated a considerable amount of space to my tack/feed room, with a separate space for weekly hay storage and mucking utensils. Also included in the barn is a wash/grooming room with hot water excess and a carriage room to store my lovely wedding carriage and harnesses.
I am super duper excited about my Stables! And so very thankful for my Father and my family who have always supported my horse filled dreams & aspirations. They have helped to make them a reality. I have big plans for the horse barn, ideas and possibilities are running through my mind! I am also excited to share this information with you and invite you once again to join me on my equestrian journey. Expect more Stables updates & posts in the future!
Tails & trails,
Congratulations, Reese! I can “hear” your excitement in your post!
Congratulations, Reese! I can “hear” your excitement in your post!
Thanks! Feeling really blessed and thankful!
My Sunshine girl! I’m so excited for you an your horses. Its wonderful to see your dreams awaken. Your so deserving of a barn. God hears you.! Always! Your favorite Gigi, s so happy, happy for u sweetie.