Have you ever heard of the Great British Equinery of Indiana? I am so glad I had the opportunity to learn about the Great British Equinery through The Backyard Horse Blog and receive their products by winning The Backyard Horse Blog’s 2021 Winter Contest! Whether this is your first exposure to this wonderful company or you’ve already purchased their products, I hope this review inspires you to go check out the Great British Equinery’s website & take advantage their latest sales! The Great British Equinery sells several different brands of high quality horse tack and horse treats including Harrison Howard Fly Masks and Hilton Herbs herbal supplements, which are both products I will be reviewing in this post!

I can happily say that I was very pleased with the Great British Equinery’s customer service and shipping process. I received email updates to keep me informed on my products’ shipping and my email inquiries were answered quickly by Debbie of the Great British Equinery. I definitely plan on ordering again!
For me, blogging has led to trying a lot of new things, including using a fly mask for the first time! I have owned horses for many years, but up until recently I had never used a fly mask! In answer to your question of why I had never used one before; I think it is simply because fly masks weren’t on my list of necessities so I never thought to purchase one, not to mention I was content to just do what I have been doing every summer for the past several years to combat the flies. Nevertheless, I was thrilled to try out this product that I won’t necessarily have purchased myself!
Upon opening the fly masks from their very nice & labeled packaging, I was surprised by how large the masks looked! I was worried they would be too big, and sadly they were just a little too big for my Haflingers. I had gotten two cob sized masks for my half-sized Halfingers, however; since their cob size halters are kept on the tightest whole, I figured that the masks might not fit. Luckily I have four other normal sized horses to use the fly masks on! Max is the smallest of the four boys so the red mask fit perfectly and is officially his! This was his first time wearing a fly mask. After a few head shakes, he was good to go and spent the rest of the day in his Harrison Howard 60% UV Fly Mask.
Obviously, I am no fly mask expert, but I do have the ability to tell when a product is good quality. The fly masks I received from the Great British Equinery were very well made and I could tell they were very durable. A fellow horse blogger reviewed these products on her blog and wrote, “I have masks that are almost a year old and have no tears yet.” *You can read The Backyard Horse Blog’s full review here!* The material of the masks appears to be easily clean-able as does the fleece covered nose band that adds a comforting amount of padding to prevent rubbing. The masks are secured by velcro straps that stayed securely in place! Max didn’t seem to mind his ears being covered much to my surprise. The only thing I did not particularly like about the masks was the mesh nose covering. My dislike may be solely based on looks; however, I think that unless your horse needs his nose protected from the sun, he could do without the mesh nose extension.
More horsey posts: Does Your Horse Need A Fly Mask?
I think Tatum would have eaten the whole bag if I let him!
Max wasn’t the only horse to benefit from the Great British Equinery! All of my horses enjoyed the Hilton Herb treats that accompanied the masks!! These organic herb balls are officially my horses and I’s favorite horse treats! I absolutely love the fresh herbal smell they gave off the second I opened the bag! Proudly made in the UK and favored with oregano and mint, these treats contain all natural ingredients and no molasses or added sugars meaning they are great for horses with laminitis. These treats will be great for Spartacus who has laminitis and my chubby horses & pony that do not need the extra sugars! The bag of treats I received was very large and contains a good quantity of treats that I hope will last awhile! My horses really enjoyed these tiny treat balls! Even Max, who generally isn’t a fan of horse treats, eat his share!
As summer roles around the corner and the pesky flies come out of hiding, I will be glad to have added the Great British Equinery’s fly masks to my reservoir of fly fighting products! A big thanks to the Great British Equinery, I look forward to purchasing more products from your site! *Speaking of fly fighting products, I am all out of fly spray & before I purchase more would love to know what brand of fly spray you use to combat the flies? Comment with the brand of fly spray you use!*
Tails & trails,
Hi, Reese. So glad you enjoyed the products you ordered from Great British Equinery of Indiana! What an adorable photo of Tatum. Definitely looks like he is a fan of those treats! As far as fly sprays go, I generally use Farnam’s Endure Fly Spry and Absorbine’s Ultra Shield EX. Unfortunately, both of them are pricey for my budget, but in my situation, they are the ones that provide the best protection (although I have yet to find a fly spray that works perfectly). “What fly spray works where” seems to really depend on so many factors like environment, weather and how many animals you have in how small an area. I know folks who prefer other products, but those two have been my go-to for many years now.