Autumn weather is one of the many reasons why fall is my favorite season! The cool air mixed with the warm sunshine just make me want to be outside. It makes me wish that the this is what the weather was like all year round. Then maybe I would really ride everyday like I want to! But instead of wishing that this was the case, I remembered a quote I had seen online.

I think that sometimes we push stuff to the side in the name of “waiting for the perfect conditions.” Whether its weather we are waiting on or until our horse gets re-shod or until this or I’ll wait for that, but what we end up doing is just waiting and waiting.
I am defiantly guilty of this and it’s something I continually work on. I hope you can be encouraged today by this little wise saying.
So while the weather is nice, and even when it’s not, don’t wait! Get out there and do what you love, spend time with your horse and go for that ride even if the weather’s not perfect *cause weather rarely is!*
Tails & trails,
You are so right Reese! I am also guilty of waiting but the thing is, there is no right time. Just go for it and enjoy it while you can!