First Time Using a Fly Mask??

Do you remember the first time you put a fly mask on your horse? I do! I just recently started using fly masks, and it was not shorty afterward that all sorts of questions regarding this new piece of tack popped into my head! I knew very little about fly masks to begin with. I am guessing you probably didn’t either on your first go-around!? Hopefully this list of questions & answers can answer some lingering questions you have about fly masks, or in the the very least give you a discount code to use the next time you purchase a fly mask (from the Great British Equinery)!

1. Should I leave the mask on all day?

Fly masks should not be left on all the time. It’s good to give your horse’s head a chance to “breathe;” fly masks should be removed daily.

2. Does it need to be worn overnight? 

Keeping the fly mask on at night isn’t necessary; however, some people prefer to leave it on their horses overnight. Nevertheless, it’s considered safer for your horse to not wear his mask in the dark.

3. Should my horse wear a mask if it’s raining? 

Keeping fly masks on in the rain is really a matter of personal preference. When deciding whether or not to keep a fly mask on in rainy weather, owners should consider that rain can make the masks heavy for their horse. Horses that enjoy rolling in the mud should probably have their masks removed as mud can get caked in the mask impairing the horse’s vision. A light rain in a small grassy pasture shouldn’t be a problem for equestrians who prefer to leave their horse’s fly masks on.  

4. How often does it need to be cleaned?

Dirt can collect in the mesh of the fly mask and fall into your horse’s eyes, likewise a dirty mask can cause skin infections. Clean your mask often, ideally everyday, and check for damaged, ripped, or worn areas that will either need to be repaired or replaced entirely. 

5. How do I clean it? 

A large majority of the time I spend caring for my horses is simply cleaning! Fly masks are just one more thing to clean! According to Practical Horseman Magazine, dunking the mask into a bucket of soapy water is all it takes! After the soapy sloshing, the mask can be rinsed with clean water and set out to air dry for a few hours. Drying the mask in a clothes dryer is inadvisable.  

6. How do I store my fly masks? 

Fly masks should be easily accessible and can simply be kept on a halter hook. During the winter or when not being used, masks can be stored in rodent proof bins with the rest of the stored tack. 

7. How do I know if it fits my horse right? 

As with all horse tack, a proper fit is important. The fly mask shouldn’t be so tight that you can’t slip your fingers between it and your horse’s face, this helps to prevent uncomfortable rubs and sores. The mask’s lower edge should fall about an inch below the horse’s cheekbone to keep flies from entering through gaps created by an ill fitting mask. Your horse’s eyes should have full clearance; he should be able to blink freely without touching the mask. 

8. Will I need to replace the fly masks every year?

Fly masks that are in good condition do not need to be replaced every year, but can last for several years! Be sure to check the masks for damage and frays before using them for the first time every season. 

Rosemary & Jasmine are sporting their Harrison Howard Fly Masks from the Great British Equinery of Indiana! I am happy to report that these black pony-sized masks fit perfectly! The Haflinger’s seemed very content in their new fly fighting attire, read my full review of the Harrison Howard Fly Masks here! I am very happy to help support the Great British Equinery, and am thrilled to give you the chance as well! Head on over to the Great British Equinery to purchase high quality Fly Masks, horse tack, herbal treats, & more! Use code HOTOH at checkout for a 10% discount! Sale items are even included! Have fun shopping & don’t forget to use the discount code at checkout!

*Do your horses wear fly masks in the summer? I would love to hear about your experience with fly masks! Share in the comments!*

Tails & trails,


4 Replies to “First Time Using a Fly Mask??”

  1. Nice round up of questions and answers about using fly masks! In the past, I rarely used fly masks, but now I have one horse who shows signs of allergies and whose eyes weep during the warmer weather and one senior horse whose eyes have a little more watery discharge as he gets older (and that discharge attracts a lot of flies). My veterinarian recommended fly mask usage so the last few years I use them regularly during my Spring and Summer seasons. As you know, I also recommend the Harrison Howard Fly Masks sold by Great British Equinery. Glad you got a discount code to share with your readers, too!

  2. Susan M Stewart says: Reply

    My haflingers just pulled their fly masks off each other….no go for them !

    1. horsesoftheozarkhills says: Reply

      Hello Susan! Fly masks won’t be right for every horse. Simply using fly spray might be enough to help keep the flies off your Haflingers. Even so, Haflingers are very curious so the masks might just need another try & some getting used to!

  3. Harrison Howard Fly Masks is one of my best acquisitions in the last couple of years. I am very satisfied with the quality and appearance after so much time.

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