Forgetting to Collect the Eggs Gives You Chicks!

As much as I don’t like to admit my failure, about 28 days ago I failed to collect the eggs for a few days. We have a rooster in our coop so all our eggs have the potential of becoming chicks- IF the mamma hen does her job and sits on the eggs, keeping them warm and allowing the baby chicks to grow. My hens don’t normally sit on their eggs, but when I finally came into the coop to collect the eggs (with the intention of throwing them away because they were probably rotten) I encountered two hens sitting on their group of eggs. I decided that it wouldn’t hurt to wait till tomorrow and see if the hens were still there. They were…and they stayed there everyday! I collected the eggs they were not on and counted down the days. If there were chicks on those eggs they should hatch in 28 days!

Over 28 days later, once again I was thinking I was gonna have a lot of rotten eggs to discard (this isn’t the first time we have let the eggs be and hoped for chicks). But instead I found 2 little chicks who had just entered the world peeping at me from under their mother! What a surprise! It worked! Our chickens naturally reproduced with no human intervention. 

So now everyday as I collect the eggs, I also get to watch the little chicks grow and be taken care of by their mother. The tiny ball of fluff just followers her mother around peeping as she goes. Seeing the little chick snuggle up against her mother, I couldn’t help but think about a verse in the Bible from Psalms. Now I truly understand this beautiful picture of Our Father caring for us, and the picture of trusting in Him, just like how my new little chicks do! 

“He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust..”

Psalm 91:4

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Tails & trails,


One Reply to “Forgetting to Collect the Eggs Gives You Chicks!”

  1. Chicks are all beauty and sweetness and innocence. Enjoy your time with them. The mother hen in your pictures looks so attentive and proud of her little charge. I too love the Psalm that you reference- such a wonderful analogy.

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