Hay Pillow Product Review

Your about to read my first product review! The product being reviewed is a Standard Hay Pillow Slow Feeder Bag, 1 3/4 inch mesh size. I ordered this specifically for my Haflingers, who I have been in training; therefore, they stay in a dry lot to keep them close. They consume their hay very quickly and I knew they needed a slow feeder to slow down the consumption process. They were already accustomed to the Hay Ball so I figured they would do great with a Hay Pillow!

A look at the empty Hay Pillow. It was bigger than I excepted.

My Hay Pillow shipped quickly with no problems. It was easy to fill with hay, simply un-zip the bag and fill with loose hay or loosened flakes. The instructions that came with the package were informative and instructed me to not fill the Hay Pillow too full so as to pack the hay too tight. The hay should be able to move around a bit if you shake the hay pillow. Next I simply placed the hay pillow in the paddock.

Rosemary & Jasmine put the Hay Pillow to use!

I ordered a 1 3/4 inch mess size, because that was the biggest size and I wanted my horses to become accustomed to eating hay from a net. They were able to eat from it right away with no problems. The hay came out easy, but not too easy. For anyone using a Hay Pillow for the first time I would suggest the 1 3/4 inch mess size.

My horses have not been using their Hay Pillow for very long, but I think they are as happy with the product as I am! One thing a really love about Hay Pillow is that it stimulates a horses natural grazing position. Eating from the ground as a opposed to from a hanging net, keeps the horses head at a natural angle and promotes good digestion. That way my Haflinger’s can eat the way God designed them too, as if they were grazing in the pasture.

You can check out the Hay Pillow website here! I hope this review, *my first!* was helpful and informative! If your looking for an effective slow feeder option that promotes natural digestion then this might be just what your looking for!

Tails & trails,


6 Replies to “Hay Pillow Product Review”

  1. Actually, yes! Your review was very helpful. I have a Hay Pillow on my “to buy” list. I mostly use my hanging Nibblenets, but I’ve wanted to have the option of a slow feeding device that I can place on the ground too. Good to know you like the pillows and that your horses do too! Looking forward to eventually purchasing one or two for my own herd as well.

  2. Nice review. There was a boarder at my barn that used a hay pillow for her horse. He would eat his hay too fast so she wanted a slow feeder but not a hay net, instead something more natural and on the ground. It worked well and was easy to fill. He sometimes used it as an actual pillow, it was cute. :-).

  3. I just saw that The Hay Pillow’s Facebook page has featured your review! Fun!

    1. horsesoftheozarkhills says: Reply

      Yep! I was very thrilled to have them share my review on Facebook & Instagram! I hope that others who have considered purchasing a Hay Pillow have found this post helpful!

  4. […] their food. Boredom busters or toys can also be used to keep your horse busy. Read my review of a hay-pillow slow feeder or check out my horse popsicles recipe! There are tons of items on the market as well as DIY […]

  5. From northeast Arkansas and do rescue horses and we have a PPID horse that is dry lotted so looking for things to keep him occupied. Love the review because I was on the fence about it! They do the hanging hay bags great!

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