Keeping Cool- Horse Popsicle Recipe

With summer comes hot weather and with hot weather comes a hot, sweaty horse! Keeping your horse hydrated and cool is important in the summer heat. There are numerous ways to accomplish this, however, horse popsicles might just be the coolest option! Let’s just face it, watching your horse lick a frozen fruity treat is pretty neat! Horse popsicle’s also help keep your horse hydrated, cool, and gives em something to do. Here is a super easy horse popsicle recipe to try! 

You will need: 

Apple slices 

Carrot slices (I chopped up whole carrots, but you could probably use baby carrots too!) 



Medium plastic container 

*You don’t want your popsicle devoted in one bit, so make sure to use a big enough container!*

*You can use more fruits than apples & carrots. Horses can also eat pear or watermelon slices. Make sure whatever you use is safe for your horses to eat!* 


Place some fruit slices in the bottom of your container. Put some ice cubes over the fruit- this will keep the fruit from floating to the top. Repeat this step until you fill your container about ¾ of the way full or as full as you want (leave some room at the top). Next fill your container with water, making sure to cover all your fruit and ice. Place the open container in the freezer. (I let mine freeze overnight)

And bam! You just made your horse a frozen treat! 

I made these treats for three of my horses. They stay in a small paddock during the day, so I thought it would be a refreshing activity for them. 

I placed the frozen treats in my horses’ grain buckets- they ended up tripping over the buckets and eating the treats off the ground! Phoenix and Spartacus weren’t sure of these popsicles at first, but once they got a taste they enjoyed them! My other horse Max, gave his frozen treat one sniff and moved on as if it wasn’t even there! *I honestly expected this from Max, treats don’t always interest him, but I gave it a try anyway.* You know your horse, if this is something you think he will like: give it a try! *If you do, I would love to hear about it in the comments!* 

Phoenix and Spartacus enjoying their popsicles

Horsey popsicles are a fun way to show your horse some love! They also can help hydrate and cool down your horse. I hope you have fun trying this summer activity out! 

Tails & trails, 


Another horse treat idea:

4 Replies to “Keeping Cool- Horse Popsicle Recipe”

  1. This is such a cool idea. I would have never thought to give a horse it’s own popsicle.

  2. […] The Original Post: Keeping Cool- Horse Popsicle Recipe […]

  3. […] also be used to keep your horse busy. Read my review of a hay-pillow slow feeder or check out my horse popsicles recipe! There are tons of items on the market as well as DIY options that you can use to keep your […]

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